Built Environment
Learning outcomes:
The course aims to analyse the impact of buildings on the natural environment, in terms of CO2 production and exploitation of natural resources. The goals of the course fall in the global challenges defined by the Agenda 2030 and for determining the responsibilities of the design of civil and building constructions on the environmental impact throughout the entire life cycle.
The course will focus on extremely actual topics concerning the life cycle assessment of construction materials (LCA), the use of sustainable resources, the evaluation of the minimum ambient criteria of engineering interventions (CAM) and circular economy issues applied to the building process.
- Goals of Sustainable Development 2030 regarding buildings
- Green circular economy for construction
- Demolition and recycling of buildings
- Energy and resources saving in building construction and management.
- Ancient knowledge and sustainable innovation
- Life Cycle assessment
- Minimum Ambient Criteria of engineering interventions (CAM)
Teaching method: Frontal lectures, in-class exercises, workshops
Teaching material: To be defined
Examination procedures:
The final examination consists of an oral exam covering the theoretical and technical aspects described within the course together with the discussion of design exercises and team projects.