Resilience of Transportation Systems
Learning outcomes:
The course is dedicated to the resilience of transport infrastructures. Starting from local aspects due to service stress, ageing deterioration and rare catastrophic events, the effect on networks and wide areas is estimated/forecasted, including the impact in terms of social and economic terms.
General Principles
Theory of transportation systems applied to transportation resilience.
Local impact
Extended disruption (network impact)
Network re-configuration effects
Dynamic processes toward new equilibrium
Wide-area KPI (key Performance Indicators)
Area-wide accessibility
Transport times/costs
Social and economic effects
Practical approaches
Methods and tools based on traffic assignment matrices.
Identification of the “strategic” network (transportation infrastructures and services to be preserved)
Teaching method: Lectures, laboratory activities and exercises, project development
Teaching material: Slides, lecture notes, technical papers.
Examination procedures: The final examination consists of an oral exam covering the theoretical and technical aspects described within the course together with the discussion of developed projects.