Smart roads and cooperative driving



Learning outcomes:

The course provides students with a clear and deep understanding of the technical and functional requirements to be satisfied for vehicle/road interaction under connected and automated driving scenarios.



  • General Principles
    • Autonomous driving and cooperative driving
    • From autonomous driving to automated driving
    • Historical overview of autonomous/automated driving development for surface vehicles and state of the art
  • Cooperative-Intelligent Transportation Systems platforms and services
    • Opportunities, criticalities, regulation and technical/functional requirements
    • Road-side implementation of cooperative driving
    • On-board implementation of cooperative driving
    • European C-ITS platform and services
    • Day 1 services and further services
    • Overview of fuctional (cyber)security issues and architectures
  • Impacts on vehicular traffic
    • Automated, connected and mixed traffic
    • Interaction of connected vehicles and automated vehicles with existing transportation systems
    • Interaction and synergies with Mobility-as-a-Service solutions
  • Design of cooperative-driving solutions and mobility solutions in a simulation environment


Teaching method: Frontal lectures, in-class exercises, workshops, lab activities


Teaching material: To be defined


Examination procedures: 

The final examination consists of an oral exam covering the theoretical and technical aspects described within the course together with the discussion of design exercises and team projects. 


Hours of frontal lessons: 35

Hours for applications: 40

Prerequisites: none

CFU: 6

Year: I-II

Semester: II

Examination procedures: 
Only spoken

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