Smart roads and cooperative driving
Learning outcomes:
The course provides students with a clear and deep understanding of the technical and functional requirements to be satisfied for vehicle/road interaction under connected and automated driving scenarios.
- General Principles
- Autonomous driving and cooperative driving
- From autonomous driving to automated driving
- Historical overview of autonomous/automated driving development for surface vehicles and state of the art
- Cooperative-Intelligent Transportation Systems platforms and services
- Opportunities, criticalities, regulation and technical/functional requirements
- Road-side implementation of cooperative driving
- On-board implementation of cooperative driving
- European C-ITS platform and services
- Day 1 services and further services
- Overview of fuctional (cyber)security issues and architectures
- Impacts on vehicular traffic
- Automated, connected and mixed traffic
- Interaction of connected vehicles and automated vehicles with existing transportation systems
- Interaction and synergies with Mobility-as-a-Service solutions
- Design of cooperative-driving solutions and mobility solutions in a simulation environment
Teaching method: Frontal lectures, in-class exercises, workshops, lab activities
Teaching material: To be defined
Examination procedures:
The final examination consists of an oral exam covering the theoretical and technical aspects described within the course together with the discussion of design exercises and team projects.