Abstract submission (Invited Speakers)
Invited speakers are invited to submit an abstract in English, preferably as a word-file. It should not exceed 1000 words. If it contains figures or tables, it should not exceed 2 pages.
The abstract must include a comprehensive title, the name of all the authors, their complete affiliation (address, fax, e-mail), and clear results and conclusions. Abstract should be submitted by e-mail, as an attached file, to erasmusmundus.etecos3@unicas.it, before April 10th 2011.
The authors will be request to prepare a full paper by June 30th 2011 that may be considered for publication in a special issue of of a peer review Journal.
Abstracts will be included in the Summer School Proceedings.
Abstract submission (PhD Students)
PhD students interested in giving a presentation (oral or poster) are invited to submit an abstract in English, preferably as a word-file. Please indicate if you wish to be considered for oral presentation or for poster presentation. It should not exceed 1000 words. If it contains figures or tables, it should not exceed 2 pages.
The abstract must include a comprehensive title, the name of all the authors, their complete affiliation (address, fax, e-mail), and clear results and conclusions. Abstract should be submitted by e-mail, as an attached file, to erasmusmundus.etecos3@unicas.it, before April 10th 2011.
Registration is a prerequisite for an abstract to be included in the Summer School Proceedings and final programme.
Download the Abstract template